Stop telling me it is “All in God’s Plan.”

When I started this essay Rebecca and I were accepting the fact that our first pregnancy may end in a miscarriage. By the time it was completed, we had received word that we were no longer pregnant with our first child. Two weeks prior, on a Friday, we were meeting with Rebecca’s doctor and were … Continue reading Stop telling me it is “All in God’s Plan.”

40 Days of Letting Go

Recommend that you start with Lent: More Than Fasting What:  Starting February 14th, 2018 I will be forgoing any purchase of material possessions (unless my underwear spontaneously combust), eating out, eating anything with added sugar, drinking alcohol and watching anything on a charged streaming service outside of a few educational documentaries and date night movies … Continue reading 40 Days of Letting Go

Your joy is not dependent on happiness.

"Joy is the happiness that is not dependent on what happens." - David Steindl-Rast We seek happiness as if it is lost. We try to find it in our jobs, the things we buy, what we own, or even people. When we are not careful, our happiness becomes dependent on material objects or the presence of … Continue reading Your joy is not dependent on happiness.

The Power of Single Tasking

How focused are you at this moment? Are you readings this essay, or skimming through it while doing something else? Are you looking up periodically to see if the light has turned green? Should you be paying attention to a lecture or the person speaking in an important meeting? Are you reading this while using … Continue reading The Power of Single Tasking

When your partner is not a minimalist.

When I first began to simplify my life, I struggled with accepting that my wife was not interested. My approach was a bit narrow, and yet I expected the person I fell in love with to change based on decisions I was making. I grew frustrated when I had removed about 75 percent of things … Continue reading When your partner is not a minimalist.