A Definition of Spirituality

Spirituality is the connection and practice of a person’s values and beliefs. I work, however woefully, to ensure that all of my actions, purchases, and words are in line with my values. Our actions are an extension of what we value and our beliefs are evident in how we act.   For example, I value … Continue reading A Definition of Spirituality

Why I Hand Grind My Coffee

My coffee is hand grounded fresh every time I drink it at home. This might not be the most efficient way to grind coffee, but the practice has become a helpful experience to the start of my day for a few reasons. It keep my mornings from being rushed: Every morning I  wake up between … Continue reading Why I Hand Grind My Coffee

40 Days of Addition

Recommended starting with Lent: More Than Fasting Consider Adding Something during your 40 days of letting go. The primary focus of Lent is often subtraction, but I believe that we can have an even more meaningful experience by adding practices or habits to help shape us and reflect during the period. Have you decided to give anything … Continue reading 40 Days of Addition

40 Days of Letting Go

Recommend that you start with Lent: More Than Fasting What:  Starting February 14th, 2018 I will be forgoing any purchase of material possessions (unless my underwear spontaneously combust), eating out, eating anything with added sugar, drinking alcohol and watching anything on a charged streaming service outside of a few educational documentaries and date night movies … Continue reading 40 Days of Letting Go

Lent: More Than Fasting

Lent. Many people take part in it every year, and perhaps you are one of them. It is a religious word that has lost its meaning through years of puffery, losing a real opportunity to help people grow in their personhood. In its simplest terms, Lent is 40 days (excluding Sundays) of reflection, self-denial, and … Continue reading Lent: More Than Fasting